Sunday 12 February 2017

And so it begins again...

I've met my class only once so far this year, but these are the two things I can tell you...

1. People who bemoan "the youth of today" clearly have very little to do with "the youth of today". 

When I see young people mentioned on tv they are usually referred to as "millennials" and mostly the stories are negative. If it's not a news report about a gang running riot, the youth detention centres, bullying, depression or suicide, it's a piece suggesting that young people today are lazy, selfish, greedy and won't ever own their own homes, because they go to brunch too often and are addicted to smashed avocado and eggs.

None of that rings true for me. When I meet young people, the thing I am most struck by is the fact that they are, well... people. And they are good people. Their age is mostly irrelevant. Some of them like sport, some love reading, some don't know what they're passionate about yet. Some of them are vegetarians, or vegan, some don't think about the ethics of their food at all. Regardless of all of that, for the most part, they are lovely people, and it's a great pleasure to get to spend time with them.

What I love most about working with year 12s is that we have a shared goal (surviving and thriving in VCE) and this breeds a sense of community. The best classes are those that band together. They don't have to be friends, they certainly don't have to agree about everything (it's better if they don't!), but they respect each others' right to learn and the fact that we are travelling this road together.

It's also amazing witnessing how students and class dynamics have changed. This year I'm lucky enough to teach some students that I taught when they were in year 8. They were excellent people when they were in year 8, and they are excellent people now. The main difference is that by year 12 most students seem to have a bit more confidence in who they are now. Year 8s (I'm generalising here) are still working out who they are and how they fit in. By year 12 girls and boys mingle, they are friends, they are colleagues. By year 12 "nerds" and "jocks" and "drama kids" and all of the other labels have gotten over those labels and they work together. It's like The Breakfast Club, but without the great soundtrack. (If you haven't seen that movie, that's your homework.)

Each year that I teach year 12 I get excited that these young people will be out in the big, wide world soon and no doubt they'll be making it a better place.

2. I love teaching VCE. 

That's all. I know it's a long year and when I have a pile of SACs to mark I won't feel quite so excited, but right now I am really excited by the year ahead. I am also SUPER excited that all of my students have read the first text - that is truly wonderful!

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